Home > Announcements > Thus Spake Zuska Moves To Scientopia.org Today!!!!

Thus Spake Zuska Moves To Scientopia.org Today!!!!

Today this blog moves to the new Scientopia.org blog network, at http://scientopia.org/blogs/thusspakezuska !

Ha!  I told you you’d see!

I apologize for making you follow my wanderings all over the internet and truly hope you will stick with me through this move.  But if you’ll come on over to Scientopia, I think you’ll find lots of interesting stuff going on there, and I hope you’ll agree it’s worth the effort to redirect your browsers, RSS feeds, bookmarks, etc.  I think this move will be good for me as a blogger, and good for you as a reader, too.  I am very, very happy that the clever folks who came up with the idea for Scientopia wanted me to come play in their new internet sandbox.

Unlike my departure from Scienceblogs, this is move to something good.  I just can’t tell you how excited I am.  Come see the shiny new blog and network goodness!  First fifteen commenters (Scientopia bloggers excluded) at the new site who say they arrived from this WordPress site will be entered in a random drawing for a bit of schwagy Thus Spake Zuska schwag!

Categories: Announcements
  1. sarah goldberg
    August 2, 2010 at 12:28 pm

    Mainly, I’m commenting to get the schwag, but I’m also confused–is this the second move in a short time?

  2. G
    August 3, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    Luckily I use a reader, or I might have gotten lost! Glad to follow you over and wondering what schwag is? Is that virtual swag?

  3. Quercki
    August 4, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    Nice to find you! I’ve been remiss in reading my Zuska feed–I knew about the problem but hadn’t seen the solution. It’s hard to Drink up the River.
    But Boingboing’s link to Anthropology in Practice’s coffee series led to looking at other posts and searching for Zuska!

  4. Zuska
    August 4, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    First move was from Scienceblogs to here. Second move is from here to the new Scientopia.org site – the full address is http://scientopia.org/blogs/thusspakezuska

  5. September 2, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    Cool, it was interesting on Scienceblogs

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  14. March 7, 2011 at 7:38 am

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